Friday, September 9, 2011


I am not used to having 2 days off in a row, or having free time to do whatever I would like. So on Labor Day when I found I had nothing to do, I surprised my grandma with a visit.

I drove the 3 hours up north to find her napping. When I snuck around to the other side of the chair and said hello she was quit surprised; she got a big smile on her face and was really excited to see me.

She made me lunch, and then we hung up some wall décor for her. AND THEN we went to willey’s and got bait so I could fish! You cannot go up north and not fish! So my grandmother and I sat down by the dock and fished for a few hours.

When we went up to the house she did what she could to get me to stay, but I knew I had to go home because it was back to work the next day. my grandpa came in to say hello, and he was extremely glad to see me as well.

When we hugged goodbye they both got teary eyed and did not want me to leave. I told them I would be back and walked out before I started crying too.

It was exactly what I needed. The love of my family. I hadn’t been up there in such a long time, and it was well worth the trip. I hope I get the idea to do it again sometime soon.

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